Petr Doubek
Was born in 1969 in Prague, the capital city of Czech Republic, which has always been a crossroad for European culture and business. Petr Doubek graduated at the Charles University in Prague and became a successful lawyer, but he has gained much more recognition as a modern glassmaking artist. His designs of crystal utility objects are inspired by European art of the 20´s and follow the ART DECO and TANGO GLASS styles. In his original creations Petr Doubek transforms Czech glass through a disruptive innovation into completely new art of forms. His handiwork is created in the glassworks of Czech Republic in Lindava by New Bor, the working place of Europe-wide recognized masters.
Petr Doubek has quickly won the recognition of both eminent collectors and the professional public. His handiwork is part of many private collections all over the world and has also been used as a gift on an international level by the Czech ministry of culture. The objects of Mr. Doubek are to be seen for example in the Czech Parliament House, in the Glass Museum in New Bor, in City gallery in Carlsbad, in the most luxurious hotel of the world of 2009, the hotel Aria in Prague and in many other representative places.
The wine company Nove vinarstvi, Inc. uses the crystal decanters at the international trade fairs and other important occasions for presentation of their wines.
Petr Doubek is presented in a permanent exhibition in the Pavilion EXPO 2010, newly reopened in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province.
In professional circles he has been already dubbed "THE BEGINNING CLASSIC".